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I'm lapidary artist and goldsmith living in Ontario Canada. I'm a small shop making handmade and custom jewellery. I believe in well made, well considered design.


I think jewellery has the ability to connect us to something: a time, a place, a feeling. We wear the vessels of our memories and draw our strength and peace from them as we move through our lives.


As we live in them, we give them our history and we pass them on to our loved ones. My hope is that I can make something that will speak to you and help connect you to what's important in your life.

process drawing for citrine stone

About my designs


 My custom designs are multilayered. I believe that a finished piece of jewellery should look intentional from all sides. I think jewellery is both a personal and social expression of your style so I design pieces to look good from far away to the people in your space and from up close to the people close to you. I also think jewellery is deeply personal, we carry it around the world on our bodies, it touches our skin, it witnesses our lives and we pour our experiences into it. Jewellery design should take advantage of this personal connection by designing spaces that only the wearer would see. Under stones, backs of pieces, inside bands etc. 


Of course each piece is handmade with personal attention paid to the details. Each part of the design is considered. I always ask myself " does this make sense with the intention of the piece and the overall design?" Sometimes it's simple and cohesive, other times its a small story played out in three dimensions.

silver jewellery pieces in progress_edit

About my business


Right now I’m a small business with a focus on customization and multilayered designs. I am deeply committed to improving processes. Wherever I can I work on recycling materials, sourcing ethical stones and building relationship to suppliers. I’m always looking to evolve and improve myself and my business. I try new technologies as they are developing. 


​I truly believe in the power of small businesses. The advantage of an increasingly global market through technology is the ability to connect to the process of commerce again. A long time ago we would know our local farmers, and crafts person, and restaurant owner by name. We'd probably know a bit about their lives and their reputation and maybe their business. In a world of big companies owned by a company that is owned by a company, we get disconnected. The person you see and interact with likely has no decision making power and definitely doesn’t benefit fully from the profit made by their work.


Small businesses are more agile and can truly respond to your needs. The benefits of your purchases go straight to those most responsible for the product or service. That money is infinitely more likely to be reinvested in the local community. Having a direct line of communication with the people directly responsible for your product means you can ask questions, and work together to create something perfect for you. You get the benefit of really getting to know the journey of your products and the actual benefit your buying power creates.

sigature "love Mary Elizabeth"

If you like what I'm about and would like custom jewellery please contact me

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