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  • Writer's pictureK. McMillan

Mindful Rings

Jeweller's bench:


So I've been a bit busy lately. I'm doing the whole, 'New Year, New You' thing. Going to the gym, taking up calligraphy again, meditation, positive outlook, the usual goals. But rather than take a class, or getting a trainer, I decided to do things in a way that works for me. I got a meditation app for my phone. Its a variety of guided meditations, with different focuses and lengths. All I need are my earbuds and my phone. I'm taking it slow and seeing great results!

One of the things I've noticed is that I have a hard time catching myself throughout the day when I get stressed or angry. I'm more aware of it now thanks to meditation, but I still have a hard time catching myself in the moment. Since I'm a goldsmith my go-to solution for most problems is to make jewellery!

I often absently play with my jewellery. I touch my earrings and necklaces, twist my rings and bracelets, move and re-clip my hair accessories. I picked a few words that really have an impact on me, and decided to combine them with my renewed calligraphy skills. The idea is that throughout the day when I find myself playing with my jewellery it will act as a physical reminder to be aware of my feelings. Like a bell in meditation, I hope these rings will help me return to the moment and look at each situation with curosity and kindness.

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