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  • Writer's pictureK. McMillan


Jeweller's bench:

sterling silver


To me forgiving is simply letting things go. It is the ability to look back on an event with understanding. It's passively observing, rather than actively reacting to the memory. Being able to put things in the past is really important. Worrying over something keeps it in the present and makes you think about how to alter a situation that has already come and gone. Whether its yourself or someone else, forgiving is an important part of being happy in the present.

I don't want to carry around any event, big or small, that makes me feel unhappy. I want to be able to feel unhappy at the time, and then leave the unhappiness there. Certainly experience should inform my decision making going forward, but lets face it, I don't want to upset about some driver cutting me off five days ago when I'm spending time with people I love now. It happened, I was mad, scared, and spiteful in that moment, but in THIS moment I am not.

And if I need a little reminder to forgive every now and then, its right at my fingers

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