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  • Writer's pictureK. McMillan

Copper and Quartz

Jewellers bench:

Copper, Quartz

This bracelet is pretty special to me.

My mother picked this lucky bit of Quartz up from our favourite family camping spot. I have lots of wonderful memories of that place. Of waking up early and sitting on the rocks overlooking the water, my sketchbook in hand. In this area the wind is so strong off the water that the trees actually grow in a very distinctive way. Like they’re permanently in the midst of a storm.

It’s been some years since any of us have been back there so when she was in the area she scooped up a pretty quartz rock. When she brought it home for me I knew right away I wanted to leave it big and put it into a bracelet.

I love the style of the bracelet but I love even more the inside, the part the touches your skin and is hidden unless you feel like showing it. It’s a private reminder of fond family memories.

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