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  • Writer's pictureK. McMillan


Lapidary Bench:


So in Sudbury Ontario there’s this wonderful, magical place called Science North. Its a place where children and adults can abandon their “too cool for school” attitude and geek out on awesome science stuff! They have machine building, Electricity conducting, CGI creating, fossil digging, and so much more.

In their fossils and minerals section they actually have a set up of lapidary machines! Naturally I couldn’t resist ❤️ I picked this lovely soft Chrysocolla and just let the shape inspire me.

It’s unusual as jewellery cabochons go I guess, but that was really half the fun! And just look at the pattern and colours! It reminds me of neural patterns for some reason. Or a thunderstorm, or a raging sea storm. Nature is so friggin cool sometimes.

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