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  • Writer's pictureK. McMillan

Calm First-Problems Second

I’ve been really sad and possibly burnt out this past few weeks. I have so many projects and ideas that I want to work on but finding the energy for them was getting harder and harder. So I stopped beating myself up for not doing all the things and gave myself permission to calm down. To do what was necessary but not push to do more. 

Not everyone can afford a ‘proper vacation’ but even allowing yourself to do just what NEEDS to get done and let yourself off the hook for everything else feels like a vacation when you’re stressed and depressed.

Now if only it hadn’t taken me three weeks to figure that out ... 🤦‍♀️

This ring is a reminder to take the time you need. 

Calm the crazy that sometimes bubbles up in your chest and look at your situation with detachment. Figure out a plan from there. The first step is to be calm. 

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